
Karma participants answer questionnaire about breast cancer risk communication

Around 62,000 Karma participants have recently received emails regarding strategies for breast cancer risk communication. The Karma group aim to collect questionnaire data from the Karma participants on whether they want to know about their individual risk of breast cancer, and if so, how and by whom the risk should be communicated to the women. 

– The Karma project is currently developing a model for individual risk prediction, says Professor Per Hall, PI of the Karma study. 

– But before we test such a model in real life and in the clinics, we need to have a better understanding of how women perceive risk, and how we best can communicate about risk in a screening setting. What do screening women consider as gains and losses by changing the screening routine, and are the women interested in participating in preventive strategies such as physical activity and dietary consultation, says Per Hall. 

The risk communication questionnaire in an international collaboration between researchers in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands. 

– Sweden has always been in the frontline regarding breast cancer screening therefore it is only logical that we are now taking the next step, says Per Hall. 

– I am convinced that we will be the first in the world to implement individualised and risk based breast cancer screening.